Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Human Web

It’s so hard to put in words. (Perhaps it’s just my own inability to do so, let me not state it like a general truth.)And let me also not get diverted from what I want to capture at this moment.
One's existence in this world along with other human beings literally creates a web. And this post is not about the relationships you have in your life - your family, friends, relations, loved ones, people you know well..Then what is this human web all about? Well, I did say am finding it hard to give this thought shape in words.
Yet, it’s not so vague that it cannot be expressed, an attempt can be made!
I believe as a person, an individual when we enter say a room, or a public place or any place with people, you may or may not know, you are giving out these different coloured threads, so is everyone else. Some vibe some don't, there are thousands you probably wouldn't even notice, there are hundreds you notice mildly, some which interest you and a few which really captivate you, intrigue you. This may happen right away or take a lot of time to come to your notice. In fact, you may never notice some. Sometimes, you may notice only when someone else is intrigued by your threads and then you notice theirs.
What is this? What is this phenomenon? It is from an individual to an individual, it has nothing to do with what you do, what age, sex, social class, profession, it’s just about the threads.. Are these captivating threads mind waves? A part of the larger cosmos where things are connected eternally and you just feel that connection in some vague way? Is it that the thread belongs to a person who can contribute to your journey in some way, perhaps very small but has a role to play in your journey and vice versa? Do we explore? Do we feel the need and then do we feel up to the effort? Do we risk being misunderstood? After all, it’s hard to put in words on paper, how does one even express it to a person. (Hello, I saw some coloured threads, the one coming from you intrigued me, (did the one coming from me intrigue you too?) while there are hundreds which didn't, should we have a chat and explore why, maybe the sole purpose of this intrigue is this one chat and it will perhaps add to my journey in some small way and in all probability to yours, that’s it... nah!)
Maybe not. And that’s just the way it is.
Till then there is this tangle of coloured threads, some bright some sombre, all over the place and one just sails past, enjoying the colours but not looking too closely.

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